The environment. A can of worms in this global warming focused day and age. Everyone seems to have plenty of thoughts on it. Now, before the facts are laid out, let’s clarify: those people who hippies think hate the environment really don’t. On the contrary, many of them love it. Why else would so many dogs get walked at the local park? Why else would organic brands be so popular? There’s a reason why washing machines come with an Eco mode. But some people go overboard. There are folks out there who swing around like Tarzan in the trees, drinking chia seeds and living in huts made out of recycled faeces. These people are almost inevitably good for nothing, drug addled hippies who don’t contribute a cent to our economy, whilst they drain it by receiving the dole to feed their travelling circuses of rare animals rescued from some Madagascan rainforest. Long story short, New Zealand’s economy is more important than it’s environment. Saving the whales is a luxury we cannot afford at the expense of our loved ones not having jobs and living in poverty.


For the livelihood of today’s population, the economy is needed. We can cross the environmental bridge when it’s having major impacts on us today. It doesn’t matter here and now. Some of us are lucky enough to have travelled, to have expanded our minds to other ways of thinking. Those of us that have had the opportunity to will realise something: poor people don’t care about the environment. They’re at least doing one thing right. They have their priorities straight. This is the opinion of billions of people without money, over 90% of the world’s population, backing up the fact that in much of the world, including New Zealand, the economy is the cake and the pretty green environment is the icing, nice to have, sure, but not necessary by a long shot. Our economy is the beating heart keeping our country moving here in New Zealand, and it is in other successful countries as well, demonstrated by the fact that the majority of Americans prioritise the health of the economy over the environment when the two values clash with each other.


In times of economic strife, we simply can’t base our values on what the greenies want us to think. Them trying to shape and twist our opinions around theirs by guilt tripping us about some ice cubes melting, is merely a trick to help them get what they want. When the tough times come around, as they inevitably do, nobody cares whether or not some animal that’s going extinct anyway is around to continue having no impact whatsoever on our lives. Humans who financially contribute to the economy matter. When the Global Financial Crisis hit in 2008, and people started tragically flinging themselves off skyscrapers to escape their debt, we rightfully stopped listening to the barrage of green nonsense being shoved down our throats. Material wealth might not be the key to happiness, but it is necessary for a fulfilling life in today’s society. We have to look after our money, because dollar bills, unlike leaves, don’t grow on trees. The people who believe that a leaf is worth as much as a $20 note are sticking to their guns regardless of whether any other rationally thought out perspectives are brought to their attention. When a crisis renders us jobless, we need to keep our heads down and ignore their foolish criticism.


Furthermore, it leaves less money to spend on specific parts of our economy vital to us, such as health, education and defence. I hope I would be wrong in assuming my valued readers all hate our country so much that they want to leave us vulnerable to foreign attack and riddled with terminal disease by cutting spending in these areas. It’s only natural to want to contribute towards things that actually matter to us, like the health of our family members and the future wellbeing of our kids. But if we pour all of our money into the planet, there won’t be any left for us. If Global Warming likely doesn’t even exist, why are we so concerned about it? We all know how unreliable so called scientific fact can be, for example when 500 years ago everyone thought that the world was flat. In a few hundred years time, we’re all going to look back in amazement at the kerfuffle this whole climate change extravaganza caused. The website ‘Friends of Science’ refutes 10 commonly held myths about Global Warming, proving that there’s almost no valid evidence suggesting it even exists. So why waste our time and resources trying to prevent the natural weather patterns of the planet taking place, when instead we could help our country? It simply doesn’t make sense. If we allow more of our precious dollars to be spent on bullshit like stopping us getting easier beach access, what happens after that? Where do we draw the line? Do we let ourselves slump into poor living conditions to give the penguins a few extra metres of real estate? We, the sensible majority that value our hard earned cash, are all in the right. Be honest, if any sensible, logical person saw a $100 note on the road next to a dead bird, which one would they approach first? I’m confident that despite what we might all like to think, most of us would head for the money. We shouldn’t have to apologise for taking pragmatic views towards living our lives.


In conclusion, happier, healthier lives can be led by us all if we look after our economy. This doesn’t mean sacrificing our environment, just prioritising the system that gives us jobs, houses, and, most importantly, the foundation of a happy family life. Or, in other words, not being a dense liberal idiot and realising that we need a strong economy.

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Hi James,

    I think the use of the first person detracts from the potential of this piece. If you’ve got time, come and see me at some point tomorrow and I’ll illustrate how you might further re-work it.



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